Our Goals

CTAB aims to ensure that housing in Boston is truly affordable and accessible to the residents who need it most. We work to push for policies that center the needs of low- and moderate-income households, protect communities from displacement, and promote equitable development that keeps Boston diverse and inclusive.

In November 2023, Boston adopted a new Inclusionary Zoning policy that requires 17% of rental units to be affordable at an average of 60% of AMI and lowered the threshold for the policy from ten units to seven. This is a definite improvement over the previous policy (13% at 70% of AMI), and we’re glad to have been part of this change! However, this new policy doesn’t go far enough to provide true affordability, and we’re going to keep pushing the City to center the need for true affordable housing in their planning process.

Recent Wins

Won a Stronger Inclusionary Development Policy 
CTAB played a key role in shaping Boston's new Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) update, which took effect on October 2024. 

Secured State Legislative Change 
We secured a state law reforming the IDP and Linkage Policy, with scores of individuals and groups testifying, paving the way for more equitable housing solutions. Linkage refers to a policy that requires developers to contribute to affordable housing or community benefits when they create new commercial developments, helping to address the housing crisis and fund affordable housing initiatives.

Made IDP More Permanent 
CTAB’s advocacy pushed for integrating the IDP into Boston’s zoning code, ensuring it has greater stability compared to an executive order. 

Accountable Action  
Delivered over 1,000 postcards to the Mayor and city officials, amplifying the call for truly affordable housing policies. 

Created a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) 
CTAB’s efforts led to the formation of a TAC to guide IDP policy updates, ensuring community voices are part of the process. 

What We Do Now

Monitoring the Application of Inclusionary Zoning 

  • We must maintain a close eye on how the (IDP) is being applied, to ensure developments meet affordability standards. We continue the push for a fair and transparent process. This includes surveying and engaging with residents living in inclusionary units to better understand their experiences. 

Advocating for Equitable Treatment via City Councilors  

  • We maintain an ongoing dialogue with City Councilors to keep pressure on the application of this policy and consistent need to keep improving the policy. Our goal is to ensure that Boston's development policies truly serve those most in need, as many programs are inaccessible to those most vulnerable. 

Strengthening Our Coalition 

  • Building a powerful coalition is at the heart of our work. We’re always looking to expand our network of partners committed to housing justice. If you or your organization would like to get involved, reach out to kathy@bostontenant.org.